Chelsea Borruano Chelsea Borruano


We know the holidays aren't always the happiest. And today, as wishes of joy fill the air, we want you to know that whatever you're feeling is valid and you are so very not alone. We want you to find peace and hope in the smallest moments, but we also know that this season can come with sadness and pain, especially as we close out a year of immeasurable loss.

We know the holidays aren't always the happiest. And today, as wishes of joy fill the air, we want you to know that whatever you're feeling is valid and you are so very not alone. We want you to find peace and hope in the smallest moments, but we also know that this season can come with sadness and pain, especially as we close out a year of immeasurable loss.

As we ring in a new year, socially distant from a world we once knew, it may be hard to find a reason to celebrate. And if you choose not to, that's ok too. But you are still here, and it can totally be enough to just celebrate you.

We've compiled some resources to hopefully make wherever you are on your journey a little bit easier.

Wishing you safety, peace, and a bit of hope this holiday season.

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Chelsea Borruano Chelsea Borruano


What we want you to know about grief:

What we want you to know about grief:

  • We may look happy and the truth is, we probably are, but we're also incredibly sad. And we are learning how to live those things in tandem for now.

  • We have probably cried uncontrollable or just the briefest of tears not 24 hours ago.

  • We feel guilty all the time for going on with our lives without them.

  • Sometimes we feel everything all at once, and sometimes we try like hell to feel nothing.

  • We do want to hear from you, even if we seem distant.

  • We aren't going to do everything right, right now. We're going to make mistakes. And we're so sorry for that.

  • But we're trying, and that trying takes up a lot more energy these days.

  • So we're also just tired.

  • And we want you to understand that.

  • Even though it may seem like we're doing just fine on our own, we can't do this alone.

Sincerely, loss but not lost

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Chelsea Borruano Chelsea Borruano


Losing someone you love is hard. You sit at a table for a family gathering, for birthdays, holidays; and you all feel it. You realized that you’ve missed each other because life gets busy and that you love each other more deeply than you thought possible. You laugh because you enjoy each other’s company so much. But then you feel a pang of guilt for laughing instead of crying. You smile a little less. And look around and realize you’re not the only one.

Losing someone you love is hard. You sit at a table for a family gathering, for birthdays, holidays; and you all feel it. You realized that you’ve missed each other because life gets busy and that you love each other more deeply than you thought possible. You laugh because you enjoy each other’s company so much. But then you feel a pang of guilt for laughing instead of crying. You smile a little less. And look around and realize you’re not the only one.

And that’s when losing someone gets just a little bit easier. You feel everything more deeply, more permanently, that is if you try hard not to forget this feeling. You treasure the little moments with the people that you love. Every laugh. Every tear. You know, in that moment and for forever, you are so very not alone.

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