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MEET the Founder
Chelsea Borruano (she/her) | Executive Director M.A. Mental Health Counseling
Just a few years ago, I was in a very dark place and had never felt more alone. I didn't have a name for it at the time, I just knew I needed more help than what my family or friends could give. That's when I made the decision to reach out to a therapist for the first time. And it changed my life. I finally understood that the way I had been feeling my entire life was not just a part of who I was, but it was something that was happening to me, something that I could actually manage and begin healing from. I suffer from depression and anxiety. It has a name. It is an illness. I don't have to deal with it on my own. I am not alone. It is an ongoing struggle that I will always carry, but I can manage it, I can make it through the bad days (with some help), and on the good days, my mission is to make sure everyone around me can too. It's this experience that led me to wanting to help others to know that hope and healing is out here. That has grown into so much more, into this, and we're still just scratching the surface. My hope is to continue this journey to help make mental health and wellness more accessible for everyone.