When It Starts To Get Dark

by contributing writer Kristie F. Gauthreaux | Speaker, Writer, Consultant

When it starts to get dark, it gets cold, lonely, and sometimes even scary. 

When it starts to get dark, some of us but not most of us, pray, call on something, someone, momma, Jesus, even Mary.

When it starts to get dark, the silence screams louder, and the thoughts talk faster.

When it starts to get dark, we are reminded of our hurts, betrayal, or neglect by family, friends, family friends, spouses, or even pastors.

When it starts to get dark, evil pursues and offers up freedom and peace.

When it starts to get dark, we consider things never thought of or even act them out with ease.

When it starts to get dark, days cease because in our minds, light found peace in another place and darkness resides to keep love, value, and self-worth in outer space.

Clarity is out of reach, and confusion consoles us while others look on, desiring to hold us, but we can't see.

This poem represents some feelings that take us away from our surroundings. When we become overwhelmed in thought, help seems distant, and the trauma that tries to keep us bound seems resistant. But I aim to motivate you today. 

There is power inside of you. It can propel you forward even when you cannot see. 

Your move forward may require you to step out in fear. I know you heard "Step out on faith!" which is true. But, I say step out in fear. When you stand afraid and confused, push anyway. While fear grips you tight and your breaths race in and out, proceed regardless. You might hear, "Don't you dare move," as if you're being held hostage, and you are, but this time you know those thieving thoughts don't rule you, and you're prepared to move anyway.

All promises aside, know you can do what you say based on your desire. You can keep your pinky in your pocket and refuse to shake hands because your word is bond whether you speak good or bad. Trust the words that you speak and act accordingly. Let your actions be relative to what you build verbally. Because remember you have what you say. So, say only what you want and do what needs to be done. Move anyway, go forward and be free. Your destiny awaits even when it starts to get dark.

KRISTIE F. GAUTHREAUX is a spiritual midwife who uses creative writing as a tool to help women communicate their triumph over trauma. She is a dynamic pacesetter in the spiritual world of mental health. As an international transformational speaker, ordained minister, book consultant, and spiritual coach, Kristie has the opportunity to remove veils from the eyes of many women who are afraid to share the goodness and the glory of their stories. 

In publishing five books, creating many courses, workshops, and workbooks, Kristie has made creative communication accessible to women worldwide. She is a bold speaker about the mental struggles women keep secret. Her personal story of overcoming identity challenges like lesbianism, mental unhealth like anxiety and depression, and the fear of failure and pleasing others is what catapults God's message of grace and generosity. She now uses her testimony of transformation as a vessel of inspiration. Kristie dedicates her life to spreading love, instilling bravery, and encouraging young women worldwide. She wants them to know they can tell their story, talk about the triumph, and communicate through creative writing. She quotes, "We write for our life, but we write especially for the life of others."


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