Be Aware

by contributing writer Kristie F. Gauthreaux | Speaker, Writer, Consultant

I have learned to stay abreast of situations that cause me to go on an emotional mountain with spiral roads. I used to fail at seeing the signs, but then I realized I was in charge of mounting them. I am now mentally aware of the state in which I travel daily. If I veer off from where I should be headed, I am okay with pulling over to assess the situation and get back on track. 

Mental health awareness isn't just for the fundraising benefits or roundtable talks. It should be on a to-do checklist of self-care. We should do awareness checks for ourselves daily, especially when facing life situations. 

To become aware of our state of health and more aware of our mental state of health is wealth. It is vital to how we live and share life with others. It impacts the expectations of our future and delays the destiny set to unfold. We must not flirt with the idea of it being a "good idea," but we embrace it as a love we have longed for. 

Mental health awareness isn't just a time of the year, a time of the month. It shouldn't just be attached to an organization, counselors,  clinicians, websites, and research. Let us connect it to how we think about ourselves when we wake up in the mornings and go about our day. Let's address situations and experiences we create or happen to us and not shelter them in place.

If you practice being aware of your mental state, you can better help yourself and prepare for your desired future. Noticing the changes, knowing when the road is slippery or if the bridge to calm is out, will provide you enough time and opportunity to change directions. You can start and finish the way you want. Develop a plan, prepare for the unknown, and use the help of a counselor or mental GPS to stay the course.

Remember, if something triggering or tragic happens, we have the time to think about what we're thinking, use awareness of our mental health state and make a sound decision. Ask yourself,

"Did this trigger me, or is this tragic enough to take me to a place of sadness and have a long drive to get back to happiness? Is it so stressful that I don't have the will to live or feel?”

If the answer is no, then move forward, understanding where you stand. However, if the answer is yes, assess your thoughts and feelings. You may need to remove yourself from the driver's seat and get in the back. Allow someone or something to help you get where you need to go. Learn from it and go out again. You cannot be stopped once you recognize the things or the people that keep binding you. Get a better map, educate yourself, and listen to your body. You pack your awareness of your mental state and unpack it when it is time to make the right choices and create peace.

KRISTIE F. GAUTHREAUX is a spiritual midwife who uses creative writing as a tool to help women communicate their triumph over trauma. She is a dynamic pacesetter in the spiritual world of mental health. As an international transformational speaker, ordained minister, book consultant, and spiritual coach, Kristie has the opportunity to remove veils from the eyes of many women who are afraid to share the goodness and the glory of their stories. 

In publishing five books, creating many courses, workshops, and workbooks, Kristie has made creative communication accessible to women worldwide. She is a bold speaker about the mental struggles women keep secret. Her personal story of overcoming identity challenges like lesbianism, mental unhealth like anxiety and depression, and the fear of failure and pleasing others is what catapults God's message of grace and generosity. She now uses her testimony of transformation as a vessel of inspiration. Kristie dedicates her life to spreading love, instilling bravery, and encouraging young women worldwide. She wants them to know they can tell their story, talk about the triumph, and communicate through creative writing. She quotes, "We write for our life, but we write especially for the life of others."


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